Residence by Real Estate Themes
Kedokato | Jun 11, 2012 | Comments 0

For starters, you want to get your hands on a theme that looks decent and could leave a long lasting impression on your visitors. You also want your visitors to have every tool they need to compare your listings and find the house of their dreams. Residence for WordPress offers all that. It is a slick WordPress theme that lets you add your listings, their images, and all kinds of information to your website. Your visitors will have an easy time navigating through your listings, filtering through them, and finding out more information about you and your business.
Residence theme is pretty straight forward to use. Adding and editing your listings should not be a big deal for its owners. You are in control of how the information on your website is displayed. You can add and delete your own fields to customize your listings further. It does have 7 color schemes and dynamic menus to get you started.
Residence Real Estate is a WordPress compatible gorgeous real estate theme with a dynamic real estate framework management module for easy edit-delete-add more features options making this theme extremely easy to customize to your market needs. Add your own labels and values in your own language ( compatible with all markets) and switch the theme to your own language with English and Spanish files included with the ability to add your own language.
Residence does have a finance calculator and photo galleries to help you provide more value to your leads. Thumbnails are automatically resized too, saving you time in the process. Advertisement management feature is pretty useful if you intend to monetize your website or take on sponsors.
This theme does support single and multi-agent businesses. It offers automatic Google map integration to make life easier for its owners. Social networking functionality is integrated into it too. Gravity Forms styles are enabled, which is nice to see.
If you are looking for a real estate theme that is dynamic, slick looking, and packs a bunch of advanced features, Residence theme is definitely up there.
Residence WordPress Theme Features
- Add-Edit-Delete your own fields
- Multi Category Search
- 7 Colour Styles
- Gravity Forms styles Enabled
- Contact Agent Form
- Theme localization ready
- Dynamic Menus
- Breadcrumb Filtered Results
- Build your own search module in 3 steps
- Single or Multi Agent
- Social Networks integration
- WordPress multisite enabled
- Native WordPress Photos Galleries
- Automatic Google Maps Integration & Google Street View
- Native WordPress Thumbnail Resizing
- Featured Property Slideshow
- English and Spanish language
- Custom Page Layouts
- Batch Image upload for Listings
- Individual Agent Photo Upload
- Logo Uploader
- Sidebar and footer widget ready
- Banner Advertisement management
- Google Adsense ready
- Individual Agent pages with Agent bio
- Unlimited photo galleries
- Related properties for each agent
- Integrated Blog Page
- Finance Calculator
- Auto hide Slider
Standard pricing of the Residence theme from Estate Themes is as follows :
Theme Basic: $79.95
Theme Developer: $139.95
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Filed Under: Real Estate Themes • Wordpress themes • Wp Templates