Refresh by FrogsThemes
Kedokato | Nov 10, 2013 | Comments 0

Refresh Pro by FrogsThemes, is a premium business WordPress Theme to show business material. Refresh Pro Theme will support you to generate simple yet fashionable business website in count of minutes. The theme has option to show services, products through in-built features. It allows you to show number and search gadget on headlines. There is a logo uploader given in administration panel to add business logo image without personally modifying design code.
Refresh Pro WordPress Theme provides you with portfolio with jQuery fluid design which works fine every where. Moreover it gives you all type of post formats to easily customize articles to publish on blog page. Refresh Pro Theme can loads contents in blog infinitely with scrolling of mouse, this is new concept which can boost page views. The theme has slider to showcase main products images or videos directly on homepage.
The theme has a simple yet fresh, clean and modern design that will allow you to showcase your businesses services or products in a professional manner. It has a fluid portfolio showcase area that supports images and video, and utilises jQuery Masonry for infinite scrolling to load and stack more items in the portfolio and blog. Refresh Pro supports WordPress post formats so you can easily post different types of blog posts such as featured images, galleries, videos, audio files, quotes and links.
Refresh Pro Theme is packed with extra contact page with the interactive form to reach you easily. Custom menu section is another best part to show best categories and custom links as well. Short-codes included with Refresh Pro Theme will enable you to add Toggled Content, large and small buttons, Tabbed Content, Columns, Icon Buttons, Maps, Twitter streams etc. The theme is supplied with original PSDs for the webmasters who wish to modify design.
Refresh WordPress Theme Features
- Minimalistic, simple and clean theme design
- Slider with arrowed navigation
- Fluid portfolio showcase using jQuery
- Portfolio area supports images and videos
- Infinite page scrolling to load more post and portfolio
- Smartly used jQuery masonry
- Blog posts with 7 post formats (Image, Standard, Gallery, Video, Audio, Quote & Link)
- Contact page with Google map
- Supports WP 3.0+ navigation menu (Build Drag and Drop menus)
- Use dynamic widget area (Widget ready)
- Unique sidebar and ads manager
- Drag and drop content composer
- Upload custom logo image (Replaces tagline and title of the website)
- Custom fonts using Google font library
- Shortcode manager to add buttons, boxes, Google map, tabs, content columns and Twitter feed
- Threaded commenting style
- Auto re-sizing thumbnails for featured image
- Layered Photoshop file included
- 1 click auto installer (Install dummy data)
- Cross browser compatible
- Documentation and professional support
- Built in localization option to translate in to any language
- Social media integration
- Integrated with FT option framework
- Theme setting panel
- Works in WordPress 3.5+ version
Standard pricing of the Refresh theme from FrogsThemes is as follows :
Join To Get all FrogsThemes Club Access: $39
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Filed Under: Business Themes • Cms Themes • Frogsthemes • Portfolio Themes

nice design