Nico by Cssigniter
Kedokato | Aug 30, 2012 | Comments 0

Nico by CSSIgniter is a theme designed for online portfolios, but it can also be applied for a blog. The site layout can either be centered on the display or aligned to the left side of the screen.This theme supports natively one WordPress 3 menu – at the top of the sidebar.
The Nico theme comes with six predefined color schemes to choose from at the Site Options tab.The theme adds a custom post type Portfolio to the WordPress menu, directly under Posts. The Portfolio post type has its own category named Skills. These Skills build a horizontal menu on the portfolio page, allowing your visitor to see all portfolios, or select only those with specific skills.
When you have created a portfolio that you want to display on the homepage, you simply apply a static homepage. If you do not set a portfolio page as your frontpage, the homepage will show the blogfeed in abbreviated view – which is the default setting.At the Homepage options, you can set the number of columns of the portfolio homepage to 2, 3 or 4. The smaller the number, the bigger the thumbnails – thumbs are resized on the fly. That is also the place where you enter your preferred number of portfolio items to display on the homepage.
Single portfolio pages include a slider which will automatically display the portfolio’s gallery. You can disable this feature for individual Portfolios.At the Social Options you can enter your account details for RSS, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr,, Dribble, and Picasa.The Featured Image is supported fully, meaning it will show up on index pages, as well as on the single post page as the first image. When you prefer more control over the dimensions of the image on single posts or single pages, you can disable this support of the Features Image at the Display Options tab.
CSSIgniter does not sell individual themes, only memberships. For only $39 – the price of one premium theme – you can Join the Club and become a member for one whole year. The membership gives you access to all current themes (28 to date), future themes and to the support forum for as long as you are a member.
Nico WordPress Theme Features
- WordPress 3.2+
- Filterable Portfolio
- Alternative Layout
- Portfolio Slider
- Portfolio Post Type
- Theme Options
- Localization
- Cross-browser Compatibility
- Shortcodes
- Custom Menus
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Color variations
Standard pricing of the Nico theme from Cssigniter is as follows :
Nico Theme (standard version) : $39 (single site license)
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