Mocha by StudioPress
Kedokato | Apr 29, 2013 | Comments 0

Mocha is a contemporary, sleek theme from StudioPress. The theme’s layout and design considerations make it a good choice for blogs that feature music or other arts. It would also work well for sites about contemporary culture or trendy subjects. The theme features a very classy use of space. The text is very bold and legible and makes it easy for people to read your content without straining their eyes.
The Mocha theme is a child theme for the Genesis framework. Genesis provides the muscle behind the site and it is considerable. This theme comes with a great layout, but it’s easy to alter it with the Genesis framework.The theme provides several options for the layout of content pages. Mocha allows you to change around the position and number of sidebars to customize your site as much as you’d like. Mocha also allows you to provide several different levels of navigation for your users very easily.
The Mocha theme is also provided with the unlimited support that comes with all Genesis themes. StudioPress includes updates in its support package. Security updates are downloaded automatically, allowing you to forego the hassles of applying these updates yourself.Mocha is also optimized for the search engines. This means that you won’t be overlooked by the engines because of poor coding or other errors. The code used for Genesis is cross-browser compatible and compliant with web standards. With the SEO features already added in, the hours that would normally be spent getting this site ready for the indexes can be skipped an you can get right to business.
Many sites dealing with arts, music and culture have advertisers. The Mocha theme allows you to get in on this monetization opportunity very easily. Advertisements can be controlled from the theme’s admin option. You can add or remove advertisements from the site with a few clicks and there is space set aside for them on the blog, ensuring that you don’t have to alter the theme to accommodate them.
Another important feature of the Genesis framework is the localization feature. This allows you to offer your blog in different languages without recoding any of the site. This offers you the opportunity to offer your site to a very wide audience with minimal effort.Overall, Mocha provides a good option for those who need a site that will capture the interest of modern readers.
Mocha WordPress Theme Features
- Automatic Updates – easy upgrade similar to the way that WordPress itself (and plugins) are handled
- 6 Layout Options – selectable site wide or for individual post/page
- Theme Setting Panels – many settings that let you fine-tune the way your site looks
- Custom Hooks (40+) – a hook is a piece of code written into the theme that allows you to attach additional content to the theme itself
- Custom Widgets (MyTweets, User Profile, eNews & Updates, Featured Posts, Featured Pages)
- Import / Export Settings – the Genesis Theme and SEO settings are completely portable, so you can back up, restore, and transfer settings from one install to another
- User Control System – allows admin to turn on/off theme settings, layouts and SEO option availability for users on a per user basis
- Author Box – display per page option
- Register / Unregister Layouts
- Dynamic Text / Image Logo option
- Navigation menu controls
- Drop down navigation menu
- Post Thumbnails
- Custom Widgets
- Search Engine Optimised
- SEO Options (site wide and individual page/post controls)
- Post and Page Tracking/Conversion Code box
- Widget-Ready
- Breadcrumb navigation
- Integrated Blog
- BuddyPress Compatibility
- Developed for Localization
Standard pricing of the Mocha theme from StudioPress is as follows :
Theme + Genesis Framework: $79.95
Pro Plus All Themes Package: $349.95 (all current and future themes)
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StudioPress is one of the leaders of Commercial WordPress Theme Development. Our team of professional Developers, Designers, and Support Moderators provide you with Themes and Support using the latest capabilities of WordPress, the leading CMS platform for the blogosphere.
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