Mixxmag by Rockettheme
Alexander Hamilton | Dec 06, 2013 | Comments 0

Mixxmag is the new October RocketTheme WordPress theme. Mixxmag’s structural efficiency is in full effect thanks to our very own table-less style design.
Imagine spending thousands of dollars getting exactly the right look for your magazine site. Now, imagine accomplishing that same task at a price that you can pay directly out of your pocket, and you have a good idea of what the Mixxmag theme from RocketTheme has to offer. This theme is exceptionally well-designed, with a very active and dynamic use of the screen real estate. It also makes great use of widgets to enhance the offerings of the site and offers you a great deal of flexibility in how you lay everything out. There are no tables used in this design anywhere, ensuring that the look of your site is as flexible as possible.
There are seven widget positions available on this theme. This allows you to arrange your content in any way you want and to offer your visitors a truly unique experience. There are also a total of 10 preset styles included with this theme. You can switch between these from the backend admin panel feature that makes this theme so easy to manage. You can literally switch this theme between one professional design and another without knowing anything about web code and without contacting a designer who does or, more importantly, without paying a web designer who does.
If you have a global audience, you’ll find that this theme is fully translatable. This means that you can offer it in any language you choose and you can reach a very broad readership. The theme also features excellent typography. Those visitors, no matter what language they happen to be reading your blog in, will have absolutely no difficulty reading the letters. Another thing that makes this theme quite unique is that it manages to offer this level of quality typography without compromising originality in font color or in heading design.
The Mixxmag would make an excellent choice for any magazine site. It can also make a truly unique personal site, given that it has a lot of room for content and that the design relies so heavily on widgets, which makes it very easy to manage. The theme layout options are all based in CSS, but you don’t have to change those files to change the layout. If you do want to engage in very heavy customization of the site, the source graphics files are included, allowing you to get every bit as creative as you want.
Mixxmag Wordpress Theme Features
- RokFeature
- RokBox
- 10 Stunning Preset Professional Styles
- Tableless Design
- 5 Unique Widget Variations
- 7 Widget Positions
- Widget Hilites
- Fully translatable
- Stylish, Professional Typography
- Source Adobe PNG Source Files Included
- FF3, Opera 9.6, Safari 3, IE6,7,8 Compatible
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
Standard pricing of the Mixxmag theme from Rockettheme is as follows :
Mixxmag Theme (standard version) : $50 (single site license)
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Filed Under: Professional Themes • Rocket Theme