iPhone by Templatic
Kedokato | Feb 22, 2013 | Comments 0

The iPhone App theme by Templatic, despite its name, provides a place to showcase applications designed for any similar device. The theme is designed to include a layout that makes it easy for visitors to size up your offerings. The screen formats of smartphones have been considered in the design, and that ensures that your visitors see exactly what your application has to offer them.
The iPhone App theme has the tough task of showing users what products for a smartphone look like on a standard computer screen. One of the ways the theme tackles this is by allowing the displayed image of the app to be horizontal or vertical. Because not all apps run in both configurations, it’s important that visitors can see them as they’ll look on their phones, and iPhone App makes sure they can do just that.
This theme has a very interesting layout. The layout is designed around making sure that all of the information about your theme can be displayed in a non-cluttered and easy-to-comprehend way. On the iPhone App page, you can feature up to five sliding images of your app or you can include video. This ensures that you don’t have to leave visitors guessing as to what your apps look like.
If you want to have a blog on your site as well as an app store, there is a separate section built into this theme for that purpose. There’s also a contact form built into the theme so that visitors can ask questions. Those customers you impress can submit testimonials that you can feature on the site in the rotating widget. This theme is completely widget-ready, and also works with gravatars.
If you want to make some additional changes to this theme, Templatic includes all of the PSD files with their component layers. If you have sponsors on your site, you can give them good advertising space with the included monetization features. The site is also search engine optimized, which ensures that your app doesn’t miss any attention it deserves because of sloppy programming. This theme is cross-browser compatible, as well.
If you get lost, Templatic provides support options to help you along. There are also tutorials included with the theme so you can have any common questions answered before you even get started. For apps, this theme provides a good online showcase.
For more information, or to see their complete collection of template themes, please visit templatic.com.
iPhone App WordPress Theme Features
- 5 detailed color schemes
- Fully customizable front page
- Excellent support
- Theme guide & tutorials
- PSD file included with multiple-use license
- Dropdown menu
- Gravatar support & threaded comments
- Built-in ad monetization
- Widget-ready with custom widgets
- Valid markup
- Cross-browser compatible
Various Package Options :
Standard pricing of the this theme from Templatic Themes is as follows :
Templatic Themes WordPress Standard Membership : $49 ( Lifetime usage license )
Templatic Themes WordPress Developer Membership : $99 ( Use this theme on UNLIMITED domains )
Templatic Themes The Club Membership Access : $299 ( Get all our 60+ THEMES, and PLUGINS. )
Get Full Access Of All Templatic Premium WordPress Theme In Both Of Above Club Membership
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