HotTopix by Themeforest
Kedokato | Sep 13, 2013 | Comments 0

Hot Topix is an awesome WordPress theme. This theme is primarily made for magazine websites but it should work just fine for other types of blogs as well as personal pages. The Hot Topix theme takes your content and presents it in an unordinary and engaging manner. The theme uses every bit of space and it fills the user display with organized content.
It’s important to mention the homepage is customizable as it let you build your blog using the Drag&Drop builder. You don’t need to know programming languages. Your visitors will be keen to try out powerful multi section sliders. These sliders let you display posts, images and pages in a way you like and in a way that will grab visitors’ attention. The homepage has the capability of displaying the top stories from each category and managing ad space. Each category page has a grid of pictures on top of the page. Images are links to the posts. That said, clicking an image or a link will take you to the page containing complete post. Pages have ad-ready space for monetization and Hot Topix comes with shortcodes for embedding text columns, videos and other text effects. This template is SEO optimized as it will assure your website is performing just fine amongst search users.
The Hot Topix theme is compatible with WordPress 3.5 and it is compatible with HTML5. It offers easy implementation of ads including Google Adsense ads. The theme comes in a black-red color variant and it assures your website looks modern and elegant. Using Hot Topix WordPress will assure all of your visitors are satisfied with the website’s look as the theme is created in a responsive manner to make sure every single user see your website in a perfect order. That said, your website will render perfectly even on older computers, Smartphones or tablets.
HotTopix WordPress Theme Features
- Compatible with WordPress 3.6
- SEO Optimized
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Translation-ready (contains .po/.mo files)
- Comes with XML dummy data (posts, tags, categories, menus)
- Easy implementation with Google Adsense ads
- WordPress Featured Image support
- WordPress Custom Background support
- WordPress Custom Menu support
- No need for any additional plugins
- Custom Theme Options panel
- Custom CSS section in Theme Options so users will not lose custom changes to CSS when you update to a new version
- Built in Google Analytics support
- Optional homepage blog layout
- Free lifetime updates
- News ticker
- Mobile/tablet versions use “swipe” navigation for carousel widget
- Easy logo customization
- Threaded comments
- Ability to turn Featured Image on posts on/off
- Ability to turn social buttons on posts on/off
- Optional Author Info at the bottom of posts
- Custom copyright/footer text
- Custom favicon
- In-depth documentation
- And much more!
Standard pricing of the HotTopix theme from Themeforest is as follows :
HotTopix Theme (standard version) : $45 (single site license)
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Filed Under: ThemesForest • Video Themes • Wordpress Tutorial