HandHeld By Elegant Themes
Kedokato | Jul 15, 2013 | Comments 0

Typically when people are searching for your website on their mobile device, they are less concerned with your flash animation and portfolio and most concerned with quickly accessing key information such as your contact information. That is why so many companies are adapting a mobile only version of their websites. The Handheld “theme” designed by Elegant Themes is not really a theme at all, but actually a plug-in that can be used in tandem with your current website. It recognizes when a mobile users is accessing your website and presents your visitors with an alternate, mobile device optimized form of your website.
The HandHeld Mobile Plugin allows you to build a mobile friendly version for your Elegant Theme. Of course this is not necessary so only use as needed and keep it mind that it will only effect the site design on a mobile device. We haven’t tested out this plugin with themes which are not from Elegant Themes.
HandHeld For Smaller Screen Sizes
Regardless of whether your site is being viewed on an iPhone, BlackBerry, iPad or Android, the HandHeld plugin will instruct your site to adapt to the smaller screen size; making for a much more pleasant viewer experience from a mobile device.
The first tab available for customization with the HandHeld plugin is labeled “General Settings.” From this area, the webmaster can designate a Main Theme or input his/her own Child Theme. There are also specific areas to upload your logo, webpage icons (57×57 and 114×114 for iPhone 4), startup image (320×460) and a separate box to implement HandHeld settings for viewers using an iPad. This last option can be turned on and off.
The next tab is titled “Homepage Settings” and allows the site’s owner to choose which page will be displayed as the Homepage for the small screen size viewer. There is an option to select blog and project categories along with a customization area for choosing how many posts to display on the first visit plus how many additional posts will appear when the user clicks on the “Load More” link.
The HandHeld theme comes with an unlimited amount of colors at your disposal. In the “Homepage Settings” area, there are check boxes for deciding which pages will appear: Intro Page, Recent Posts and Recent Work.
HandHeld’s unlimited color customization capabilities and non-invasive programming make it a must-have for website administrators who receive a lot of mobile device traffic but are using a non-responsive theme.
HandHeld WordPress Theme Features
- iPhone compatible
- Android compatible
- Blackberry compatible
- WordPress 3.0+ compatible
- Threaded Comments
- Gravatar ready
- Theme Options Page
- Custom thumbnail images
- PSD files
- Valid XHTML + CSS
- Smooth tabless design
- Works with any theme
- Portfolio section
- Ajax loaded posts
Various Package Options :
Standard pricing of the this theme from Elegant Themes is as follows :
Elegant Themes WordPress Club Membership : $39 ( 85+ themes for 1 Year)
Elegant Themes WordPress Developer Membership : $89 (with Builder Plugin for 1 Year)
Elegant Themes Lifetime Club Membership Access : $249 (Complete Lifetime Access To All Things)
Get Full Access Of All 85 Elegant WordPress Themes In Both Of Above Club Membership
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Elegant Themes membership provides unlimited access to 80+ themes with 1-2 new themes each month ( the price per theme is less than $0.49! ). They create high quality, user friendly premium WordPress themes for various niches including: business, ecommerce, magazine, multimedia, portfolio, apps, professional blogging and others
Filed Under: Business Themes • Cms Themes • Elegant Themes