Gather by Theme Trust
Kedokato | Oct 15, 2013 | Comments 0

Gather is a premium e-commerce WordPress theme by ThemeTrust. This responsive e-commerce theme comes loaded with features to set up your own online store. The clean and minimal layout is perfect for showcasing items, and the theme also includes a very nice portfolio and blog. Custom post types for videos, images, sliders and portfolios give you plenty of options for adding content for your customers.
This theme is ideal for product display and selling them online or it can be used in portfolio website to showcase your work. It contains features like responsive design, swipe enabled slider, WooCommerce compatible, portfolio section with filterable categories, custom font options, 2 custom post types, useful page templates and widgets, custom shortcodes, theme documentation guide, theme option panel.
Full Storefront: Set up a complete store on your website in a snap. Gather comes with an excellent set up, which includes highlights (such as for sale items), the ability to show markdowns in prices, a great shopping cart, and a very useful filter.
WooCommerce Ready: Start selling items now! Gather is WooCommerce ready, so all you have to do is get the free plugin and add your items.
Gather WordPress Theme Features
- Minimal design with stylish layouts
- Responsive design
- Touched enabled slider on homepage
- WooCommerce integration
- Portfolio with sortable items
- 2 custom post types to mange slider and portfolio
- Custom page templates
- Useful widgets for footer and sidebar
- Google web font integration
- Customizable color styles
- WordPress 3.4+ customizer support
- Set your own background image or use any color
- Insert slider using shortcode
- Widget ready sidebar and footer
- WP 3.0+ menu system support
- Featured image support
- Upload custom logo and favicon image
- Threaded comments
- Twitter and Flickr feed integration
- Theme documentation help and customer support
- Theme option panel
Standard pricing of the StyleWpThemes theme from StyleWpThemes is as follows :
For Gather WordPress Theme Package: $49
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Theme Trust Coupon Code: Buy 1 theme and get 1 free – Use coupon code 1free
Filed Under: Custom Wordpress Themes • Ecommerce Themes • Theme Trust