FreshFolio by Themefuse
Kedokato | Aug 09, 2012 | Comments 0

If you are a photographer, web designer or in charge of creating a business website, then you may have found the theme you need. FreshFolio is a premium WordPress theme created for those looking to showcase their work, services or products online in a very clean, professional and unique way.The FreshFolio theme takes a unique approach to showcasing content that is very cool and user-friendly. Featuring a horizontal slider and scrollbar visitors can easily browse through photos of your work and see what you are all about.
The invidual portfolio pages of FreshFolio have been strategically designed to showcase all aspects of the project. You can include several images per items (they open in lightbox), add testimonials, provide a description and include links to the project and project screenshots. You can even create subpages for each project if there were multiple aspects you would like to talk about.I love all the attention to detail in the FreshFolio theme, everything has been carefully and professionally designed to look awesome. And the unique design is sure to help make your site stand out.
FreshFolio premium WordPress theme is an original, awesome, and efficient way for showcasing photography, design, illustration portfolios, or even paintings and art.Let’s continue on with the portfolio trend with one more incredible WordPress theme. FreshFolio premium WordPress theme is a truly unique portfolio showcase that features a one-of-a-kind homepage slider that features your work in a very interesting way. The best way to experience it is to see it yourself, so check it out at the end of the post!
FreshFolio WordPress Theme Features
- One click auto-install
- Light and dark color variations
- Built in SEO and marketing
- Fuse framework
- Feedburner ready
- Cross-browser compatible
- @font-face custom font
- Powerful admin options
- Auto image resizing
- jQuery image / video lightbox
- Image thumbnail custom field
Standard pricing of the FreshFolio theme from Themefuse is as follows :
FreshFolio Theme (standard version) : $45 (single site license)
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