Elogix by Themeforest
Kedokato | Aug 10, 2012 | Comments 0

All you have to do is take a quick look at the extensive feature list that ELOGIX has and it won’t take look to see that this is one serious premium WordPress theme. But to actually see everything that it offers up live is a completely different story. The sheer number of options afforded to the users of ELOGIX is absolutely staggering, and the flexibility it affords you and your business is a steal for the price you’ll pay.
ELOGIX premium WordPress theme is a completely responsive template available on the ThemeForest marketplace. While responsive design is still a fairly new approach to the way designers and developers think about the web, it’s something that when implemented properly won’t hinder the way your site is accessible even on legacy browsers (cough, cough…Internet Explorer 6-8). ELOGIX’s responsive design ensures that your content is delivered in a fashion that is best suited for each particular browser and device viewing your site. Checking out your latest post on a tiny Android device? No problem, everything will be reformatted in an intuitive manner for you to scan through. Now you’re home looking up a page on your site with your ridiculously ginormous desktop Mac in Firefox? No biggie whatsoever. ELOGIX handles all of these scenarios and then some without a fuss.
On top of helping with accessibility through responsive design, ELOGIX also makes indexing your site’s content with search engines a simple task as well with their great built-in SEO options. Having a proper content strategy along with the development of your site is absolutely essential in today’s market as space on the Internet is becoming increasingly limited and everyone is fighting for those coveted few spots at the top of the organic listings that people are searching for. Fortunately, with a great forward-thinking template like ELOGIX, you don’t have to go out and install any additional plugins that might only serve to weigh down your site. Instead, it’s all right there for you to use once you’ve installed the theme. Couldn’t be easier!
There’s certainly no shortage of great themes out there, which is good because choosing the next theme for your site is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make for your business or personal site. Ensure that you’ve got a great framework in place with a quality WordPress theme like ELOGIX. Check out the features below and then take a little time to look at the live demo by clicking through on the link at the end of the post.
Elogix WordPress Theme Features
- Fully Responsive WordPress Theme
- Great SEO base already built-in
- Theme-Options Manager (unbranded!)
- Easily Customizable Design (use ANY COLOR you want)
- Ready for translation (.po / .mo files included)
- Custom Backgrounds on every Page
- Multiple Sidebars for each page/category possible
- Tons of Shortcodes – even Pricing Tables and Slideshows
- Unlimited Filterable Portfolio (you can enable or disable lightbox for every item)
- Video, responsive Sliding Gallery, Image Portfolio Items
- Multilevel Navigation
- Notification Bar with Cookies
- Gorgeous jQuery Enhancements
- Built-in Custom Widgets
- Automatic Image Resizing
- Extensive Documentation
- Aftersales Support
Standard pricing of the Elogix theme from Themeforest is as follows :
Elogix Theme (standard version) : $35 (single site license)
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