DeCasa by ThemeShift
Alexander Hamilton | Jan 16, 2014 | Comments 0

The deCasa theme allows you to get a professional real estate site up and running in short order. It’s provided with features that make the most common tasks associated with such sites much easier and more convenient. It also provides the user with the ability to customize the site without touching the code, making drastic changes to the layout easy to do and easy to reverse, if they don’t work out.
ThemeShift designs its themes so that they run off of the admin panel, for the most part. This means that options such as the background, slider content and other features can be setup very quickly and easily. Adding content to the JQuery slider on the homepage only requires that you select the appropriate option when you’re managing that content.
Where real estate sites are concerned, images do a lot of the work. When you add images to the site, you’ll be glad to find that you don’t have to manually resize thumbnails to get the job done. The theme takes care of this for you. If your image needs to appear in different sizes on different pages, the theme will insert them on the fly and you don’t have to worry about the time involved in making thumbnails or about errors when making them.
If you’re good with code yourself or if you have a pro who helps you out, you’ll be happy with the site files on deCasa. The code is fully up to web standards. This means that any modern browser will display the site correctly with all the features included. The code is also commented. Your programmer, or you personally, will appreciate this when you’re hunting through the lines of code to make specific changes to the site.
The deCasa WordPress theme allows you to showcase your properties in style. The homepage has a very large space set aside for your featured properties. Smaller featured areas can be added below the slider to offer more choices to your visitor.
You can use this theme on as many sites as you like due to the GPL license. The theme can also be localized for audiences that speak English, German or Spanish, making it very flexible. If you need support, you’ll find that it comes in all three of the languages, as well. This theme is a good option for real estate professionals.
DeCasa Wordpress Theme Features
- Custom Search Panel
- Property Exposé
- Property Image Gallery
- Theme Options
- Post Thumbnails
- jQuery Lightbox Plugin
- Fully localized and available in English / Spanish / German
- Muli-level dropdown menu
- Threaded comments
- Custom page templates
- Custom header teaser
- Search and comments form validation
- CSS styles for WP-PageNavi plugin
Standard pricing of the DeCasa theme from ThemeShift is as follows :
DeCasa Theme (standard version) : €39 (approx US$49) (single site license)
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Filed Under: Real Estate Themes • Themeshift