Blocked by ThemeForest
Kedokato | Oct 31, 2013 | Comments 0

Blocked WordPress Theme is a flexible and highly customizable premium business / portfolio WP Theme. This theme is available for purchase at ThemeForest marketplace. This theme is best suitable for creative business and portfolio website. It contains features like life simplifying layout editor took to build any type of layouts, fully responsive design, visual configuration tool for layout building, 3 types of slideshows, 28 layout components, built in color picker to customize colors, lots of fonts to change the typography styles, custom widgets and page templates, build in form creator, gallery manager, theme documentation guide, theme option panel and much more.
Blocked by Themeforest is exactly like it sounds, incredibly blocky. The entire theme seems like sharp, bold, square puzzle pieces which build an extremely colorful site that’s fun and professional. Businesses and professional individuals will benefit most as the theme provides the ideal design for showcasing products, services and mission statements.
Blocked WordPress Theme Features
- Stylish and visually appealing homepage design
- 6 Different homepage styles
- Responsive design including slideshow
- 3 types of alternative sliders (Blocked unique, Nivo Slider, Refined Slider)
- 28 design components for layout building
- Photo galleries and a gallery manager section
- 5 Custom post types (Pricing, Staff, Icons, Gallery and Portfolio)
- Lots of shortcodes
- Custom widgets (Ads, Flicker, Google map, recent post, PHP code and Quick shortcode)
- Color picker tool for styling all design element
- Use wide range of build in fonts (528 fonts to select from)
- Easy to use fonts with font manager
- Option to download fonts and use it in theme
- Create forms using form builder
- Create any number of sidebars
- Unlimited image galleries and portfolios
- Build any number of layouts
- Blog post with various templates
- Full screen Google maps integration
- Bulleted list icons and stylish lightbox
- Audio player for music post
- Video embedding with responsive support
- Stylish web sections like Pricing box, staff showcase page, accordion, tabs, toggles, notifications, quotes and testimonials
- Auto resizing images using timthumb script with auto updater
- Comprehensive documentation guide and professional customer support
- Photoshop file included for design changes
- Translation ready for multiple languages (Built in translator and .po file included)
- Theme updates notification (Notifies when theme updates are available)
- Easy to use theme option panel
Standard pricing of the Blocked theme from ThemeForest is as follows :
Blocked Theme (standard version) : $45 (single site license)
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Filed Under: Portfolio Themes • ThemesForest